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Professor of Biomedical Imaging
Chief Scientific Office & Co-Foudner, Quantified Imaging
Honorary Fellow, Wellcome Centre for Integrative Neuroimaging, University of Oxford
Visiting Professor, Medical Gerentology, Trinity College Dublin
email: michael.chappell@nottingham.ac.uk
PhD Student
email: <>
PhD Student (jointly with University of Adelaide)
email: <>
Chied Executive Officer & Co-Founder, Quantified Imaging
Application Specialist, Quantified Imaging
DPhil Student (University of Oxford)
Anne McLaren & Brain Tumour Charity Research Fellow 2020-2021
Now Head of Household Income and Expenditure Analysis, Office of National Statistics
Postdoctoral Researcher (QuBIc) 2018-2020
Now RAEng Research Fellow, Wellcome Cente for Integrative Neuroimaging, University of Oxford
PhD Student & Research Fellow 2017-2021
Now Data Scientist, Accenture
Research Assistant 2019-2021
Now Data Team Lead, YouLend